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Contact details

Cabaret La Bonbonnière (hereinafter “La Bonbonnière”) is a limited liability company with capital of 2,000 euros, whose head office is 157 Rue du Molinel, 59800 Lille, registered under RCS Lille Métropole number 807 805 486.
La Bonbonnière is the publisher of the website: www.cabaretlabonbonniè (hereinafter “the Site”) and Mr. Guirado Christopher is the publishing director in his capacity as Manager.

The Site is hosted by the company OVH, Simplified Joint Stock Company with capital of 50,000,000 euros, whose head office is at 2 RUE KELLERMANN, 59100 ROUBAIX, registered under the number Siren 424 761 419
If you have any questions, please contact Cabaret La Bonbonnière Customer Service:

157 Rue du Molinel
59800 Lille
Telephone: 00 33 (0)3 28 53 09 14

Access to the Site as well as the use of its content is carried out within the framework of the notices of use described below. Accessing and browsing the Site constitutes on your part unreserved acceptance of the following details:

Guarantees and Liability

La Bonbonnière strives to ensure as best as possible that the information accessible via the Site is accurate and up-to-date. However, La Bonbonnière does not guarantee in any way that this information is accurate, complete and up to date. La Bonbonnière provides no guarantee, express or tacit, concerning all or part of the Site. La Bonbonnière also declines all responsibility regarding access to and the content of sites linked to the Site.

Under no circumstances can La Bonbonnière be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage, whatever the cause, origin, nature and consequence, arising from consultation or use of the Site. In particular, La Bonbonnière declines all responsibility in the event of interruption or inaccessibility of the Site, occurrence of bugs, or any damage resulting from fraudulent acts of third parties using the Site.

La Bonbonnière implements means intended to ensure the security of files created from personal data collected on the Site. La Bonbonnière does not control the risks linked to the operation of the Internet and draws your attention to the existence of possible risks in terms of confidentiality of data passing via this network.

Legal Notice

La Bonbonnière informs you that these notices may be modified at any time. These modifications are published when they are posted online and are deemed to be accepted without reservation when you access the Site after they are posted online. We recommend that you periodically review this page.


These notices are established in accordance with French and Community law and in particular the provisions of the law of June 21, 2004 for confidence in the digital economy, EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 ( known as “GDPR”) and the Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978 as amended by the law of June 20, 2018. The French courts have territorial jurisdiction to hear any dispute relating to the Site.

© Cabaret La Bonbonnière 2024

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Cabaret La Bonbonnière. 157 rue du Molinel. 59000 LILLE

  +33 (0)3 28 53 09 14

CNIL: o1X0292074h - APE: 9004Z - SIRET: 80780548600022

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